Knowbbies is MCA & GST registered Private Limited Company backed by founders with 20+ years of industry experience. We offer on site recreational employee engagement activities for corporates & SMEs. These activities help team bonding & rejuvenation. These activities are available throughout the year and we recommend pre-booking well in advance during festival season.
Explore Courses Loved by 10,000+ students
Knowbbies app based courses are loved by 10,000+ students (95% are females) across India spanning all states & UTs. Knowbbies app based courses are suitable for someone planning to start home business and want to upskill quickly.
Apart from the top selling Chocolate Making Course other courses like Birthday Cake Making, Icecream Making, Premix Making, Jar Desserts Making, Party Cupcakes Making, Fondant Cake Making, Lipstick Making, Facepack Making, Designer Candle Making Course etc are popular too.
There are various Craft Courses like - Duplex Paper Flowers Chocolate Bouquets , Duplex Paper Flowers Course , Crepe Paper Flowers Course, Exotic Duplex & Crepe Flower Bouquets Course are offered by Knowbbies.
Check the list of all business oriented courses available
If you are interested in Awaantar Craft Classes Franchise then click here for more details of Franchise Program.