Designer Candle Making Course 1 YEAR Access
Learn designer candles using wax & gel. Business oriented course.
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Fees Rs. 649/-
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Business Oriented Candle Making Course
Pre-recorded Video Course
1 YEAR Access to Video Course
Available Only in Knowbbies App on Android
NOT available on iPhone / iPad
Watch anytime
Professionally designed video
Chat support for your questions
Video is in Hindi.
Certificate of course completion
What is in Candle Making Course?
Video 1. Wax Candle Introduction
Video 2. Moulded Rose Wax Candle
Video 3. Important Tips
Video 4. Ice Wax Candle
Video 5. Layer Wax Candle
Video 6. Chunk Wax Candle
Video 7. Tea Light Wax Candle
Video 8. Moulded Wax Candle
Video 9. Number Wax Candle
Video 10. Decoupage Wax Candle
Video 11. CupCake Wax Candle
Video 12. Floating Wax Candle
Video 13. Handmade Rose Wax Candle
Video 14. Color Usage Tips
Video 15. Gel Candle Introduction
Video 16. Water Gel Candle
Video 17. Rangoli Gel Candle
Video 18. Aquarium Gel Candle
Video 19. Cold drink Ice Cube Gel Candle
Video 20. Potpourri JellyBalls Gel Candle
Video 21. Beer Gel Candle
Candle Making Course is based on parafin based raw material.
Learn these amazing designer candles in this course
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1. Notes will be shared with you as a PDF file by email. Mention correct and working email id while enrolling. Notes PDF is in English. Video is in Hindi.
2. Candle Making video course is available in pre-recorded video format.
3. You will get 1 YEAR access to the videos.
4. You can ask questions via WhatsApp chat on 8856022509
5. Raw material is available locally in all main cities. You will have to locate them in your city.
6. Language in the video course is easy to understand Hindi.
7. Course fees does not include cost of raw material.
8. Video file will not be shared with you. Watch course videos only on Androind phone in Knowbbies App. 4G internet required.
9. This Course is available only for Android Phone Users in Knowbbies Android App. Not available for iPhone / iPad users.
10. Raw material is available in all main cities, hence there is no need to share contact info of material suppliers.
11. You can access video only through Android Phone or Android tab.
12. There is no refund once fees is paid.
13. After you make the payment to enroll for the course, you will have to check your email. You will get email instantly after you enroll for the course. This email will explain you further procedure to access the course. This email will also have pdf file attached.
14. Ensure that you mention correct and valid email ID on this page. A wrong email ID will delay the process of giving course access to you.
15. At any point of time, you can reach us at
16. Digital Certificate will be issued once you upload pictures of Designer Candles made by you on our special student portal.
If you have any further question before enrolling for this course then please do use Facebook Messenger to chat to us. Just tap this link to chat with us :
Your questions regarding the course will be answered only on Facebook Messenger.
This course is suitable for personal use and to take orders of Designer Candles.
This course is not suitable for kids.
Photos & Reviews from Our Students
KNOWBBIES students have made it after learning from this course
(They have designed based on learning & their creativity, their designs need not be taught in the course. Check above section to read details of what exactly taught in the video course.)
Sujata - Navi Mumbai
I learnt a lot about the details of candle making that I was looking forward to in a course. It was easy to follow.

Sanchari - Kolkata
Very interesting. Teacher and Mentor both are very excellent and expressive. Thanks a lot Mam

Sheetal - New Delhi
Very very easy to learn how to make candles. For normal housewife affordable fees. Salute to knowbbies. Love u both maam God bless u all knowbbies team.

Amruta - Pune
Course was really nice. Both Mam explain the it very nicely. Steps by steps explaination make us easy to prepare the Candles. I love this course. Thank you Mam.

Mamathasunil - T.narsipura
The course is very nice n very detailed teaching processes is very nice and good
Juhi - Nagpur
The course was amazing..I have started making candles professionally...thank you so much knowbies

Gauri - Pune
The course is very Informative and user friendly. I enjoyed making all the candles. It was fun and a very good activity for me. My son also enjoyed watching how to make candles. Videos ate very detailed and easy to understand.

Parul - Raigarh
Good class very nicely explain everything in hindi .supportive team as well. If u are beginner definitely join this course.